Detroit News Art Critic Reviews Bill Girard (1967)

Master of Mud (aka artist) and former Center for Creative Studies (CCS), Detroit, professor of art, Bill (William J.) Girard Jr., passed away in 2011. The website created to honor him is found at ------------------------------------------------------- This is the first high profile review of Bill (William J.) Girard's art that I am aware of. The published article appears directly below. The text of the article appears below that. Publication: The Detroit News. Title: Exploring the World of a Young Eccentric . Author: Joy Hakanson. Date: Sunday, July 30, 1967. The occasion: Girard's inclusion in the Butler Art Institute's mid-year art exhibit and his addition to the teaching corps of the Detroit Society of Arts & Crafts. In retrospect, her closing paragraph seems particularly prescient. "Whether one likes Girard's kind of art or loathes it, he is someone to res...