A Fascination with Fairies. (Excerpt)

Master of Mud (aka artist) and former Center for Creative Studies (CCS), Detroit, professor of art, Bill (William J.) Girard Jr., passed away in 2011. The website created to honor him is found at https://girardsvasari.com/ ------------------------------------------------------- Preface There once was a gent named Girard Whose masterworks dazzled and charmed. His art ignited such lust It made the lustiest combust. They just burned, unconcerned and bought more Girards. Unnoticed by blame, undiscovered by fame (Girard lived, after all, out of sight in Detroit) His pieces still set art mavens aflame. Made of earth brushed with mirth, they laugh at life’s plights. Hey! Don’t like my damned poem? Go write your own. Sweet Bill was unique. You might say eccentric. He loved his craft, loved to teach and proved quite prolific. Sure, to some his marvels appear enigmatic. But those they ensnare say that his work is magnetic. ...