
Showing posts from November, 2018

Girard Limerick #1: There once was an artist named Bill

Master of Mud (aka artist) and former Center for Creative Studies (CCS), Detroit,  professor of art, Bill (William J.) Girard Jr., passed away in 2011. The website created to honor him is found at ------------------------------------------------------- There once was an artist named Bill Whose magic elicited thrills.  He brushed his art ala carte - spiced witty and titty or tatty and tart.   So his collectors applauded with farts.  Man with Moon (Oberon & Titania?) Oil on canvas. 5" x 6.5". Estate of A. Abramson. Artist: Bill Girard. Royal Oak, MI. 1940-2011 To learn more about the marvelous artist that inspired such such fervor, peruse my previous blog post,  Girard? Girard Who? Other Posts   DETROIT NEWS ART CRITIC REVIEWS BILL GIRARD (1967) GIRARD: THE FAIRY'S TALE. PART I - A PROSE POEM FOR PERFORMANCE CONVERSATION WITH AN EARLY GIRARD COLLECTOR: MR. DOUBLEDAY ART AS ANODYNE FOR A YOUNG PATIENT: A GIRA

Girard Limerick #2: Girard found the key to his art in the Attic

Master of Mud (aka artist) and former Center for Creative Studies (CCS), Detroit,  professor of art, Bill (William J.) Girard Jr., passed away in 2011. The website created to honor him is found at ------------------------------------------------------- Girard found the key to his art in the Attic. But his Greece made art police manic.  As detractors cried “Cataclysm!” He smothered their tears in art jism With a tail so tall, it's famed as  His Panic . Mixed Media Sketch. Artist: William Girard . Royal Oak, MI. 1940 -2011.  * The allusion is to Attic Greek culture. Roughly contemporaneous with the early classic Greek period 500 to 250 BCE. To learn more about the marvelous artist that inspired such such fervor, peruse my previous blog post,  Girard? Girard Who? Other Posts   DETROIT NEWS ART CRITIC REVIEWS BILL GIRARD (1967) GIRARD: THE FAIRY'S TALE. PART I - A PROSE POEM FOR PERFORMANCE CONVERSATION WITH AN EARLY GIRARD COLLECTOR: MR