Girard: The Fairy's Tale. Part I - A Prose Poem for Performance

Master of Mud (aka artist) and former Center for Creative Studies (CCS), Detroit, professor of art, Bill (William J.) Girard Jr., passed away in 2011. The website created to honor him is found at ------------------------------------------------------- Introduction: Fairyland is sponsoring an exhibit of three Bill Girard paintings, based on Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream . Mortal tourists are about to get the guided tour ... and perhaps learn more than they intended. But it's not too late! You can still join them. (Crash the gate!) ______________ Fairies on the Egg . 1973. Artist: Bill Girard. Royal Oak, MI. 1940-2011. Robin : Welcome, friends, to Fairyland! My name is Robin. I’m leading your Fascination...